The City of Strongsville, Ohio, population approximately 50,000 is accepting résumés for a Full Time position of Electrical Inspector/Building Inspector. The successful applicant will be responsible for enforcement of State of Ohio Building Codes as well as adopted City Ordinances. Qualifications include a minimum of a high school diploma along with State of Ohio certifications for Electrical Inspector (ESI) & Building Inspector (BI). Additional certifications are preferred but not mandatory. Salary will be commensurate with ability and experience. Excellent benefits package including medical and PERS retirement. Applicants must possess a valid Ohio motor vehicle operator’s license. The City of Strongsville is an equal Opportunity Employer.
Send résumés to:
Building Commissioner
City of Strongsville
16099 Foltz Industrial Parkway
Strongsville, Ohio 44149
Or email at:
This position has been filled.