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Publication Title | Rental Cost |
2006 International Residential Code | $60 |
2006 International Building Code | $75 |
2006 International Mechanical Code | $50 |
2006 International Plumbing Code | $50 |
2006 International Fuel Gas Code | $50 |
2006 International Energy Conservation Code | $25 |
2008 National Electrical Code | $80 |
ACI-318-05 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete With Commentary | $140 |
ICC/ANSI A117.1 2003 Standard on Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities | $30 |
NFPA-13 Installation of Sprinkler Systems | $65 |
NFPA-72 National Fire Alarm Code | $50 |
Legal Aspects of Code Administration | $30 |
Basic Code Enforcement (1999) 8th Printing | $30 |
Building Official Management Manual 4th Ed. | $50 |
The Effective Local Gov’t Manager (2004) | $50 |
Flood Resistant Design and Construction | $60 |